Foam Lining for Apparel

  • FXI polyurethane foam products and foam lining solutions make clothing look and feel better every day, by maximizing comfort, insulation, shape and style.

    FXI Foam Lining for Apparel

      We are one of the leading suppliers of polyurethane foam products and laminates to the apparel industry. Whether we are adding comfort to your toes or shoulders to your clothes, our foam lining and other products can be found in many of your daily apparel components.

      • Applications and Functions

        Our foam lining works as the internal layers for intimate apparel garments, where the technical foam lining provides support for the woven fabric to maintain shape and the foam padding provides cushioning to the user.

        Value-added technical foams used in performance apparel as the inner foam lining for shape conforming, cushion protecting and insulating properties.

        The specialty polyurethane foam products are used as components in athletic and casual footwear to impart insulating, cushioning and shape forming properties.

      • Products

        Polyether polyurethane slabstock foams
        Polyester polyurethane slabstock foams
        Polyether polyurethane slabstock foam laminates with fabric, foam, film and adhesive substrates
        Polyester polyurethane slabstock foam laminates with fabric, foam, film and adhesive substrates
        SIF® reticulated foams
        SIF® reticulated and coated foams
        SIF Felt® reticulated and permanently compressed foams

      • Technologies

        Flame laminating
        Adhesive laminating
        Thermally reticulating
        Chemically reticulating
        Finished part fabricating
        Surface Modification Technology (SMTSM) process