• On January 1, 2012, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 went into effect in the State of California. This law was designed to increase the amount of information available to consumers to allow them to make more informed choices regarding the products they buy and the companies they choose to support.

    • FXI's Commitment

      FXI is committed to complying with the law wherever we operate and to conducting all business in accordance with the highest ethical standards. We expect the same of the parties with which we do business. Our ethical standards are reflected in our Code of Conduct, which summarizes the ethical conduct and compliance with all laws expected of our employees. Employees are required to review the Code of Conduct annually, receive training, and certify their compliance or disclose any exceptions. FXI maintains an ethics hotline where employees can reveal any concerns of possible ethics violations, including slavery and human rights trafficking, anonymously if they feel the need. Every submission is reviewed.

      FXI, through its Supplier Code of Conduct, requires its suppliers, vendors and contractors to abide by all applicable laws, codes and regulations, including local, state and federal laws governing protection of the environment, workers’ health and safety, and fair labor and employment practices. Such requirements specifically include those prohibiting child or forced labor with stipulations of fair working hours, fair compensation, and a safe working environment. FXI’s Supplier Code of Conduct is found in its Supplier Quality Manual which is referenced and made a part of its procurement practices through compliance and quality provisions contained in its purchase orders or similar agreements.

      Any employee or party who is proven to have violated FXI’s Code of Conduct or Supplier Code of Conduct is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contracts, as applicable, and referral to the appropriate legal authorities.