FXI Acquires Hickory Springs Manufacturing Facility In Portland, Oregon

    • August 9, 2016

      FXI Acquires Hickory Springs Manufacturing Facility In Portland, Oregon

      MEDIA, Pa. – Foam producer FXI has acquired the Hickory Springs Manufacturing Portland, Ore., facility, a 185,000-square-foot foam pouring and fabrication plant.

      This transaction increases FXI’s capacity and service capabilities for the home furnishings industry in the Pacific Northwest, the company said.

      FXI has operated its own plant in Portland for several years. Those employees will join the HSM employees in the new location over the next several months, officials said.

      “Over the past several years we have made strategic acquisitions of well-regarded manufacturing facilities to fuel FXI’s business growth. The HSM facility is a high-quality production facility with well-trained employees,” said FXI President and CEO John Cowles. “This is an exciting time for all of our people and our customers. Customers will benefit from our expanded capabilities and there will be new opportunities for our current employees in the region, knowing that FXI is committed to the foam business."

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      FXI is a leading producer of foam products for the home, healthcare, electronics, industrial, personal care and transportation markets. Headquartered in Media, Pa., the company offers an array of products to meet the needs of a diverse marketplace. From mattresses and furniture to electronics and wound care, the foam solutions provided by FXI optimize performance and increase comfort for consumers, the company said.