New Product "Shields" Against Bed Bugs While Home or Away

    • August 10, 2012

      MEDIA, PA – According to a recent survey released by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), one out of five Americans has had a bed bug infestation in their home or knows someone who has come across bed bugs at home or while traveling. Once these notorious hitchhikers make themselves at home in your home, getting rid of them becomes a daunting task for both you and your wallet.

      The new Bed Bug Defense Shield™ (BBDS) is a revolutionary new product that “shields” consumers from dreaded bed bug infestations. Designed to be used both at home or while traveling, the BBDS protects home furniture and luggage from becoming a rest stop for these pesky pests. Created by FXI, a leading producer of innovative foam products for the home, healthcare, electronics, industrial, personal care and transportation industries, the BBDS is a flexible mat made to protect mattresses, furniture and travel accessories by creating an environment that bed bugs can crawl to that stops them before they reproduce.

      “The only thing worse than having bed bugs is trying to get rid of them,” says Diane Adams, senior vice president of consumer products at FXI. “Getting rid of bed bugs can take as long as a year and cost thousands of dollars – not to mention the emotional toll it takes on those affected. The Bed Bug Defense Shield is safe, non-toxic, and effective in offering round-the-clock protection against bed bugs from infesting your home and your life.”

      Easy to use, the Bed Bug Defense Shield’s modular panels are placed under the mattress or furniture to deliver protection against bed bugs without the toxic sprays and powders found in many other solutions. As bed bugs try to crawl through, the non-chemical treatment scratches off the bug’s outer shell, leading to dehydration and death.

      Since bed bugs can hitch a ride home with you from virtually anywhere – the office, a dressing room, public transit, schools and especially hotels – it’s important to have round-the-clock protection in your home. While traveling, the BBDS can be used between unknown hotel surfaces and your luggage – just place the mat and keep your luggage on top of it.

      The Bed Bug Defense Shield has a suggested retail price range of $34.99 to $104.99 and will be available at select retailers nationwide and on line in August. For questions or more information, please visit: